1 天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室, 天津 300072;
2 星空娱乐官网app下载,北京,100141
摘 要:现代化航空产品尤其是飞机发动机等重点部件向着复杂化、集成化和智能化发展,与之相匹配的航空保障要求也提出了基于油液等多参数的预知性健康管理要求。介绍了了航空发动机健康监控保障为目的进行原子发射光谱现场检测的技术原理及关键技术,针对关键技术挑战问题进行方法创新和技术改进并结合实际应用设计了一套油液原子发射光谱现场快速检测系统产品,阐述了本研究方法和技术创新改进的具体内容和应用。实现的产品系统涵盖多项功能,已在部队多型飞机上进行了对比试用,能有效监控航空发动机、传动系统等关键部件的健康状态,成为现代基于健康管理的航空保障的重要手段。
中图分类号: V241.7 文献标识码: A 国家标准学科分类代码:460.40
Spectrum Instrument for oil Analysis of aviation engine
for Aeronautic Support
Sun Yanshan1,2,Deng Ke2,Hu Jian2
1.State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instrument, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 2.BEIJING HANG FENG KE WEI EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD,Beijing 100141 China;
Abstract:Modern aviation products are becoming more sophisticated, integrated and intelligent, and the new requirements of aviation support such as PHM(Pre-diagnose Healthy Management) based oil analysis of aviation engine becoming more and more useful to meet in the new situation. This article introduces the working principle of spectrum instrument and its key technology.This paper analysis key technology and develop a spectrum instrument for oil analysis of aviation engine, systematically introduce method and application of Aeronautic Support. This Spectrum Instrument has been test by different type of aviation engine by some troops.
Key words:oil of aviation engine; spectral analysis; PHM; Aeronautic Support
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